Sunday, June 26, 2011

Must See: "Prey" (2010 movie)

PREY (2010)

Talk about a super cool movie. I'm more of an animal rights person than a hunter but when the men in this family go shooting for wild hogs, gone even wilder thanks to chemicals used as fertilizer, I was glued to the screen and found myself wishing I was part of the hunting party. That is until the dog and then humans started to die. 

Yes this is a foreign film and you must read subtitles to understand what's really going on but you will utterly and completely love "Prey." It's scary and creepy and full of gore and it's all rolled up into one hour and nineteen fascinating minutes of horrifying pleasure. 

Prey tells the story of Nathan (Gregoire Colin) who is soon to be a father but his father in-law is so horribly cruel and wants his daughter to have an abortion simply to continue working in the family business. You'll completely love to loathe that despicable man. I cannot say more without spoiling the movie ... but trust me when I say this is one you definitely wanna watch.

Director: Antoine Blossier
Writers: Antoine Blossier (screenplay), Erich Vogel (screenplay)
Stars: Bérénice Bejo and Grégoire Colin to name only two.


  1. Did you just now watch it Natasha? (Obviously I loved it too.) LOL.

  2. Sounds like a good'n! I'll keep my eyes open for it. Cheers Tami!

    (If you fancy reading a little horror-humour short story, read this. And DO let me know your thoughts.)

    Shah. X

  3. Of course you're away moving right now - but when you return - check out my little Vampire post -

    Hope your well Tami. ;D X


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