Thursday, January 19, 2012

Vampire Flick: "I Sell The Dead." Offbeat, Not Unlike "The Apple Dumpling Gang"

2008 comedy horror film, "I Sell The Dead," may not be a "must see" but it will get you laughing in places. My favorite scene is highlighted in yellow, toward the bottom of this post. In short, it's the story of grave robbers and the accidental unearthing of vampires.

I watched this movie via Netflix. I'd recommend it for light offbeat humor (a distraction if you're bored).

Here are my tweets for this slap-stick humor. Read these bottom to top to appreciate them in chronological order.

"I Sell The Dead" ends with "A good cast is worth repeating" (as undead continue to walk this earth) 
 Tami Jackson 

Female grave robber:"You're all cowards. There's money to made...that should keep us all happy and lovely. You're telling me you're afraid?"
 Tami Jackson 

"It's pure and simple evil I met up with ... the living (pause) dead ... Took me ages to pry open the box ... I thought I was dead for sure.
 Tami Jackson 

I Sell The Dead:Grave robbers fight over what looks like a frozen alien corpse but in the struggle a bright light appears-cadaver disappears
 Tami Jackson 

Hilarious vampire attack scene (I Sell The Dead) When the stake is pulled from her heart she's animated. Shove it back in she's dead again.
 Tami Jackson 

Seems removing the large garlic necklace and wooden stake from a dead woman's corpse is not a good idea ... I Sell The Dead
 Tami Jackson 

"What I don't get is why they buried a corpse outside of a graveyard" says the apprentice. "Suicide, most likely." says the foreman
 Tami Jackson 

"One job turned us from body snatchers into ghouls" ... "you never ever trust a corpse." ~ I Sell The Dead
 Tami Jackson 

I Sell The Dead quotation: "Advancing medicine is what you two are doing." Says doctor to two grave robbers.
 Tami Jackson 

"I'll tell what ya father. You keep this whiskey here flowing and we'll have a lot to chat" ~ prisoner w/5 hours to live. "I Sell The Dead"
 Tami Jackson 

I Sell The Dead starts w/an old fashioned guillotine and slap-stick quips from the soon-to-be decapitated. (Think poverty & baby skeletons.)


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