Sunday, April 9, 2017

Vampire Poetry To Make You Swoon And Feel Woozy (It's That Good)

Gotta admit I was pretty excited to learn Garrison Wells, who holds black belts in jujitsu, judo and Goju Ryu karate, was sending me his book of vampire poetry to review. *Kapow!*

With so many new writers seeking publicity these days, bloggers must often slog through typos, poorly written sentences and whatever else bleeds bloody grammar stains all over our freshly pressed white blouses. That is not the case with Garrison Wells' work, however. As a seasoned journalist, he's got skills and professional writing experience under his karate belts. His poetry is clean. It's sexually tasteful. I give his thought-provoking book five stars and I really hope you spend a buck to read it.


To you die-hard traditional vampire fans out there, you may get the chills when you realize not all of Garrison's artistry is stuck-in-the-coffin. He's not confined to the same old vampire lore that our Dracula made famous. Garrison makes up some of his own rules about whether a vampire's heart should beat slowly and whether the undead can produce offspring; sexually. In fact, children born to vampires can fly with muscular wings!

His work is new and fresh. You will love how he describes the burning daylight like a pair of handcuffs.

Because of my enthusiasm for his work, I hit Garrison up with a few overly excited questions, as follows:

Me: "Are you attracted to more in the vampire realm than just the poetry of it? What inspired you to write vampire poetry in the beginning? Do you self-identify as a vampire?

Garrison: "I don’t necessarily self-identify, but do have a passion for the vampire story. To me, vampires are sensual beings and Dracula is one of the world’s great love stories."

Author Garrison Wells has a passion for the Vampire story
Me: "How do you switch from writing various perspectives ... from the vampire to the vampire's host, to the vampire's child ... and make it seem so seamless?"

Garrison: I initially wrote just a couple vampire poems trying to see where I connect and understand why. It turned into several and then into the book. (Another one is coming) As I wrote them, I found myself needing to explore other bits of the vampire lore, and then to go beyond where history has led us, which then leaked into previously unexplored territory. I began to feel that poetry done right is a great way to tell their story because it is so poetic itself.

When I asked why he changed vampire facts from historic depictions, Garrison replied: "I didn’t want to tell the same story that has been written and filmed a thousand times. I wanted to go past the history and into today, where it seems to me that vampires could, like the rest of us, evolve. Thus, the heart, beating slowly, he comes slowly to his humanity. They are growing and so dual mating of vampires can create superior offspring, in essence, a new line of higher evolved vampires.

I challenged Garrison about a line where he describes pavement as though it cannot be stained by blood. Like a true poet, he responded: "The lack of stain on the concrete is more of a simile. He leaves no mark on this world. Blood, of course, being his mark."
Then he elaborated: "I think some of it too was that I didn’t want to portray vampires as joyless, vicious beings with no heart, which again is the slow heart thing . . . Maybe, in a sense, as I think about it, I figured that vampires, in some ways, want to be us. And we want to be them. And by making them a touch more human, we touch each other."

Garrison's is offering his vampire poetry book on Amazon for just $1. (You read that right. A single buck!)
To see MORE of his fantastic work ... go here!
Follow Garrison Wells on Facebook!
Here is a link to his newest novel! Nightgoer: The journey begins

*Happy reading!* 


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  5. Are you tired of being human, having talented brain turning to a vampire in a good posture in ten minutes, Do you want to have power and influence over others, To be charming and desirable, To have wealth, health, without delaying in a good human posture and becoming an immortal? If yes, these your chance. It's a world of vampire where life get easier,We have made so many persons vampires and have turned them rich, You will assured long life and prosperity, You shall be made to be very sensitive to mental alertness, Stronger and also very fast, You will not be restricted to walking at night only even at the very middle of broad day light you will be made to walk, This is an opportunity to have the human vampire virus to perform in a good posture. If you are interested contact us on


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