Friday, July 17, 2020

Create a plantar from a pallet! (UPDATED 7/24/2020)

Crone Crafts by the Mother of Invention

I am currently in the process of creating a picket fence out of pallets. It's a big project and has been capitalizing on most of my time here lately. For this blog post, (since not everybody has a whole yard that they need to build a large fence for) I'm showing a couple of easy-to-build wooden planters from pallets. These would fit easily on someone's patio or deck.

Supplies for building a planter out of a pallet

All you need, really, is  1) a circular saw, 2) a hammer, 3) nails (either salvage the pallet nails or buy some) and 4) paint to decorate your plantar. There are plenty of "how to build a picket fence out of pallets" videos on YouTube. I don't want to reinvent the wheel here. So watch a couple of those videos and then disassemble and reassemble your pallets however you like.

EXAMPLE #1 - The easiest pallet planter ever!

For this first planter, I just simply stood the pallet on its side, removed a couple of boards, and then shortened one board to fit into the bottom of the first rung (to create the planter)

Here is that exact same planter painted black, with lettering and beading. 



EXAMPLE #2 - This next pallet planter takes a bit more time to build!

I will finish painting this more complex planter later and will blog about it then. Look for photos to come! (Did I mention I'm building a picket fence for my entire yard at the moment?) ...I will be thinking about how to make this into a mini altar for the Faeries. Until then, you can see the basic design for now.

UPDATE 7/24/20: And here she is!

Finished plantar made from a pallet

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